Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Kai lost another tooth. He is minus 4 now. Top two and the two on the bottom. The bottom, he pulled out himself. He comes racing out of his room at 9pm to let us know he pulled it out and then we discover we have no idea where the tooth fairy pillow is. We told him the tooth fairy would come the following night. You can't just spring these things on her in the middle of the night.

Luckily the top two teeth are coming in quickly so hopefully he won't have to be the toothless wonder for too long. Actually I think you can see them peeping through in the very blurry picture.

And then there is the girl. Very very excited on the first day of school.
Daddy took a picture of the boy on his first day of 1st grade, but I don't have it on my computer yet. Soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I cain't wait for christmas...

the 2nd top tooth soon followed his brother...

and there is another "wiggler" on the bottom.

PS-sorry they are so blurry and yes the boy needs a haircut... again... funny how that keeps happening.